What Does Happiness Mean To You?

Happiness and harmony go hand in hand.
When you are in harmony, you are happy.
When you are out of harmony, you are stressed/off balance.
Want to learn how to get back in harmony and create happiness?
I invite you to try this…
Vibrant Living Tip
Notice your thoughts. Ask: are these thoughts creating happiness for me?
Notice what you say to yourself and others. Ask: do these words make me feel happy?
Notice what you are doing, how you are acting. Ask: do these actions make me feel happy?
Now that you’ve paid attend to your thoughts, words and actions… Ask: are all three of these in harmony with who I want to be?
Adjust accordingly.
Vibrant Living Take Away
Noticing what you think, say, and do and then aligning them with your vision helps you be happy and become your vision. Are you willing?
Until next time...
Dream Bravely.
Act Boldly.
Live Vibrantly!
Lynn Tranchell
P.S. Are you ready to be happy? Click here for a Vibrant Living Session.