Retreat Time

I am once again in Palm Springs with my mentor, Pam Sterling, and peer coaches. This picture is sunrise. We get up, take a walk in the neighborhood and admire the architecture. We come back and have a nutritional breakfast. Have our morning session. Eat lunch. Then it’s our time. To do what we love until cool breezes return. Then we return for another session. It is the combination of deep dive transformational work and reflective, quiet time that makes this retreat special.

What do you do to create something new for yourself. Do you take the time to reflect and absorb and plan your next steps. Are you able to create life time.

Vibrant Living Tip

Take time everyday this week to create life time. Do something different that will enable you to find new inspired action that will lead you in the direction of your dream. Honor that time. As another mentor, Mary Morrissey, would say – "It’s your life, make it a great one!"

Live Vibrantly!


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