Peace I Give To You

I love using the analogy of a hurricane.

If you look at a picture of a hurricane, you will see this big swirling cloud.

And in the middle of the cloud, nothing.

It’s called the eye of the storm.

Many people see this as a warning of what is to come.

I see it as an example of how to BE.

Be peace.

Let the world around you rage.

Turn the eye of the storm into the I of the storm.

Wondering how to do that?

Vibrant Living Tip

There are 3 things you can do to create and be peace.

  1. Vision. You have to know where you are going. Without a vision, based on what you would love, you live by default. Let’s just see what happens. That adds to stress. It keeps you in the whirlwinds of circumstance. A vision creates a sense of security and peace. You don’t have to know how to get there yet. That will come.
  2. Vibration. Once you have a vision, spend some time visualizing what it would be like to be that person. Living that life. Vibrate being that person.
  3. Vibrancy. Now kick it up a notch and add vibrancy! If you were vibrantly living that life, what would you be doing today, tomorrow, next week. Use your imagination. Have fun. Take a step that moves you in that direction. Ah, that feels good.

Vibrant Living Take Away

Peace isn’t a destination. It’s a way of being. Be Peace!

Until next time...

Dream Bravely.
Act Boldly.
Live Vibrantly!

Lynn Tranchell

P.S. Join me on Mondays for Creative Connections at 5pm EST or Standing Firm at 7pm EST. Together, we’ll get through this and learn to thrive!

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