
“You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. That is something you have charge of.”
Jim Rohn
Now that it’s September. The kids are back in school. Summer activities are winding down. Leaves are beginning to change. It’s a great time for a vibrant new beginning. Perfect time for change.
I was at a conference last week where they talked about massive positive action. It really doesn’t have to be massive. Taking some action on a regular basis will create massive change.
Vibrant Living Tip – Take am honest look at your life right now. What is one thing that could use a vibrancy boost. Image, it all worked out. What does it look like. How does it feel. From that place/vibration ask yourself everyday – what action can I take to move me in this direction. Take that action. Massive Positive Action. Any action can be massive…
If you are ready for permanent change, join me for my brand new webinar…
3 Keys to Living Vibrantly & Creating a Life You Love!
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