A Surprising Tool To Help You – Gratitude

quote about gratitude

"Being thankful for what you already have creates very powerful vibrations."

Frank Mangano.

Be grateful IN all things. It is easy to be grateful for something or someone. That is being grateful FOR. After the fact. Being grateful IN is not as easy. It is being grateful before anything happens. And being grateful regardless of what happens.

The same applies to being thankful. Be thankful IN all things.

At this time of year, being grateful and thankful in all things is especially important. Share Love. Joy. Gratitude. Be thankful.

Vibrant Living Tip – Create a gratitude journal. Make it special. Add your favorite quotes. Draw colorful pictures. Every day this week, write 10 things you are grateful FOR. And one thing you are grateful IN. Something that hasn’t yet happened. Or something that is in the midst of happening and you haven’t quite seen the best in it yet. Continue this practice for as long as you want. The long you do it, the easier it is and the more abundant your life will be.

Thriving Through the Holidays

November 27 6-8pm, Unity Church, https://www.lynntranchell.com/workshop

November 29 6-7:15pm, webinar, https://www.lynntranchell.com/webinar

Ready to create an attitude of gratitude? Sign-up for a complimentary Vibrant Living Assessment. https://www.lynntranchell.com/assessment

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Live Vibrantly!

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