The Single Most Important Thing You Need To Know About Being Present

The point of power is always in the present moment.”

Louise Hay

If you live in the past or keep wondering about the future, you will miss the opportunities of the present moment. The present moment is really all there is.

Remember – your ego would rather have you be miserable than change. Stay present and ask, what can I do today to move me in the direction of my dream. Distraction and Dissuasion are ways your paradigms keeping you from being present. If you are distracted by what has happened, you are living I the past. You can most definitely learn from the past. That doesn’t mean you want to pitch a tent and live there. Or you could be dissuaded from taking action by awfulizing the future. Again, this keeps you from being present.

Vibrant Living Tip: Pay attention to your thoughts. Are you present to this moment. Or are you focused on the past or distracted by the future. Shift your focus to now. Look around. What do you see that was there all along and you couldn’t see. Enjoy!

If you are having trouble staying present to the abundance all around you, sign-up for a Vibrant Living Assessment today! This is a complimentary conversation (valued at $250) with me where we look at where you are, where you would love to be and the next most important step to get you there. Get on my calendar today!

Live Vibrantly!


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