Sharing Our Story Creates Many Ripples

People remember stories more that they remember quoted details. Why? Because they can most likely find something in the story they can relate to.

If you want to get to know someone better and find common ground (as opposed to differences that can lead to distancing) share your story.

Tell people why something is important to you by sharing a story around the topic. How it affects you. Your family. Loved ones.

It is very easy to react. Complain. Spread fear and anger.

That doesn’t help create a world that works for all.

Being vulnerable and sharing our story from our heart creates many ripples. Ripples of understanding and connection. In these times, that is really what we need most.

There are many examples of storytelling.

Vibrant Living Tip

Here are just a few examples of sharing your story…

Our parents told us stories of the good old days. It helped us understand how they came to be who they are/were.

Jesus taught in parables. A parable is a simple story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson.

There are community stories. PBS has A National Storytelling Project ( This is a collection of stories contributed by people all over the country — a portrait of what it really means to be American today.

Many people use storyboards. A storyboard is a visual representation of something you want to create. A vision board can be seen as an example of this.

Book and movies tell stories. What qualities make a good book or movie for you?

Can you use any of these examples as a way to create your story?

Vibrant Living Take Away

Everyone has a story. Share yours. Be heard. Get creative.

Next time someone says something that in the past caused you to become angry, stop and breathe. Then tell your story. Create connection instead of division. The world will become a better place as you do.

Until next time...

Dream Bravely.
Act Boldly.
Live Vibrantly!

Lynn Tranchell

P.S. If you would love to learn more about creating a better life for yourself, schedule time where we can talk about how to change your story. Click here to connect with me.

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