Out Grow Yourself!

Do you ever look back on something you did or said, in the past, and think – who was that?

And then think…

Wow. I’ve grown a lot. I know so much more now.

It’s the most natural thing in the world to want to be, do, and have more.

Ah, yet do we allow it for ourselves.

We live in a spiral universe. Even our DNA is a spiral.

It only makes sense that we would be evolving.

I invite you to give yourself permission...

Vibrant Living Tip

At any given moment, we are either going up the spiral or spirally down. Look at some areas of your life where you feel like you are not making the progress you would like.

Ask yourself… Is there something I need to learn? Is there someone who is already doing this that I can talk to? Is there another way that I can look at this? Actually, get up and walk around and see it from another view.

Remember when you were able to figure out a problem in the past. Remember what it felt like.

Now, take another look at what you were working on. Has your perspective changed? Do you see something new? Keep doing it until you find at least one thing to do. Then do it.

See it as an experiment. Try some things. Be creative. Have fun.

Vibrant Living Take Away

Certain types of growth are not automatic. You get to choose how much and how far you will grow.

Give yourself permission to out grow yourself.

Until next time...

Dream Bravely.
Act Boldly.
Live Vibrantly!

Lynn Tranchell

P.S. Having trouble seeing beyond your current circumstances? Sign up for a Vibrant Living Assessment, by clicking the button below, and we can talk about how you can start moving up the spiral again.

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