Make Your Passion a Reality

Passion. Or as Napoleon Hill states it – a burning desire.
Are you passionate about your life? Your whole life. Not just one area.
Are you ready to find your passion? Start by asking – what would I love? Really ask that question. Stay in the question. Wait for an answer.
Vibrant Living Tip
Everyday this week take 5 minutes and vision the answer to what would I love. It can be something new everyday. It can be the same. Sit and daydream like you did when you were younger. Then write down what comes to you. By the end of the week, you will have some amazing new/improved parts to your dream…
Do you have passion in your life right now? Would you like more? Would it be OK with you if you lived everyday focused on living from what excites you most.
Vibrant Living Take Away
We often get caught up in the daily grind and forget to think about our passion. Our burning desire. Our vision of a life we love living. It’s not too late to start living the life you love and becoming who you have come here to be.
It just takes a moment to remember and focus...
There is no passion without love. That’s why – “what would I love?” is always the right question.
Until next time...
Live Vibrantly!
Lynn Tranchell
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