Make It So!

“Many can argue that reality is as it is, but my experience is that the opposite is exactly true. Reality is ours for the making.” – Asara Lovejoy

Captain Picard was speaking to me when I created the Title… 😀

Which would you prefer… Doubt and fear or Confidence and courage. It is what it is or Make your own reality. Inaction or Action. Staying where you are or Moving forward.

If your main go to response is… Sit around and wait. Let’s just see what happens. It’s out of my control. I was born this way. It’s the way it always works for me. Then you’re really living someone else life. Someone or something out there is calling the shots. Deciding for you. Telling you who to be. You’re living a condition driven life.

That’s why it is so important to have a vision. And create goals. And take action in support of your goals and vision. This is how you create a Vision driven life and overcome doubt and fear.

Look over the last few blog posts to see the details of the process.

Vibrant Living Tip – Everyday this week look at your vision. Ask – if this is who I am, what’s one step I can take in support of my vision. Take the step. You will be amazed at where you are by the end of the week.

#lifelonglearner #vibrantlivingtip #womenaskingnowwhat #readyforachange #feelinglost #reclaimyourvibrancy #confidence #courage #makeitso

Live Vibrantly!


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