Back to Basics Using Self-Care

Samuel Johnson

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, so we will be moving from discussing the Laws of Success to how to best care for our mental health to ensure our continued success!

I found this on Purdue University website about mental health awareness month.

“The 2022 theme – “Back to Basics” – provides foundational knowledge about mental health and mental health conditions and information about what individuals can do if their mental health is a cause for concern.

Since the start of the pandemic, more and more people are talking about mental health. An increasing number of individuals are starting to see it for what it is: one important component of overall health and well-being, just like physical health.”

Your Vibrant Living Tip

It doesn’t have to be about big things. It can be everyday stressors. It starts by noticing how you’re feeling. Being able to handle the little things can keep them from becoming big.

Daily mental health care is like brushing your teeth. You want to remove the daily grit to keep it from building up.

Self-care helps protect your mental health.

I am going to give you a few ideas about how to practice self-care and then talk about 3 ways self-care can help your business.

Here are self-care ideas you can enjoy to remove that daily grit.

  • Read.
  • Walk in nature.
  • Meditate.
  • Sleep in on the weekend.
  • Color, draw, or paint.
  • Unplug from social media.

I use all of these at different times. At the beginning of COVID, I started a weekly coloring klatch. It was on zoom every week at the same time. Anyone who wanted to could join in and color, knit or some other creative activity. I still color with a friend every Wednesday. We both really look forward to it.

Sarah Turino’s blog list 10 benefits of self-care. I have selected 3 that can help you in your business.

Self-Care Improves Resilience

In the midst of everything that we have going on in the world today, Self-Care offers you resilience. When you are able to fill up your well with care, you are less susceptible to responding negatively to the effects of the stress. You are able to make choices in your response because you are fuller and more centered.

Self-Care Increases Self-Confidence

This one is surprising, no? Self-Care gives you more feelings of self-confidence. This ties into worthiness. When you are fuller and you are feeling better you simply approach the world in a more confident way. If you feel less depleted, the result is feeling better about yourself.

Self-Care Increases Productivity

When your well is full again you do things in a less frenetic way and are more productive. When you're frazzled and not taking care of yourself, you may get a lot of things done, but the quality of your focus suffers. When your well of energy is full, you have more organizational thought and mental focus.

Your Vibrant Living Take Away

Ask yourself – am I feeling tension or stress. If the answer is yes ask - what can I do right now to feel less stress. Pick one thing from the list – Read. Walk. Meditate. Sleep in. Unplug from social media. Color, draw, or paint.

Make a commitment to do one of these today or anytime you need a little self-care relaxation.

Share in the comments how practicing self-care can help keep you be more awake in your business.

Until next time…

Dream bravely.
Act Boldly.
Live Vibrantly.

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