Add “Yet” To Any Seeming Failure!

I was at an event at church. As sometimes happens when we talk about transformation, you hear some “yea, but…” or “that didn’t work…” or some other phrase indicating someone saw seeming failure.
The facilitator recommended adding “, yet.” to these statements.
For example – “I didn’t get a raise.” vs “I didn’t get a raise, yet.”
The first seems pretty final. The second has possibilities. There is still a chance.
A chance is all you need. Stay open to the possibilities.
I like to use the phrase “, up until now.” It also keeps the situation open to possibilities.
I invite you to add possibility to your seeming failure.
Vibrant Living Tip
If transformation were easy, everyone would be doing it. Shifting your thoughts from failure to possibility is one way to transform your outlook and create better results.
Notice how you respond to things that happen to you. Do you see an outcome as a failure or the possibility of something better appearing?
If you see something as a failure, I invite you to add “, yet” or “, up until now” to the situation.
See how it feels. Look around and see what new ideas appear.
Be open to possibilities and then act on them. That’s how transformation happens.
Vibrant Living Take Away
Focusing on possibility allows you to see things you may have missed. And it feels better.
Until next time...
Dream Bravely.
Act Boldly.
Live Vibrantly!
Lynn Tranchell
P.S. Click the Schedule an Appointment button in the big blue box below to talk to me about your possibilities to transform.
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