Key #2 to An Extraordinary 2019

You have your vision. Your Intention. Now what. Does my vision magically appear?
Not quite yet…
The next key is Attention.
Having intention doesn't make change happen. You have to put your attention on your intention and take the steps from there. Where attention goes, energy flows.
You set the intention. The intention of eating healthy but your attention is focused on where can I go get pizza and beer or my attention is on the ice cream. Your attention is on all these things that have nothing to do with your intention.
You have the best of intentions but our attention can sabotage our intention because our energy actually goes where we place our attention.
That’s why attention is so important.
So what do you do when your attention undermines your intention. How do we interrupt our thinking so that we can bring our attention in alignment with our intention.
Vibrant Living Tip
Your attention is like planting seeds. You can’t plant an apple seed and expect to grow pears. Just like you can’t think thoughts of insecurity or lack or not good enough and sow abundance and prosperity.
We are constantly planting seeds and pulling weeds. Planting the seeds of our vision and pulling the weeds of our distractions.
Notice how you are feeling. What you are doing as a result. Is it in alignment with your intention, your vision.
Ask yourself, what can I do today to lead me in the direction of my vision. Take that step.
Are you ready to shift your attention.
Vibrant Living Take Away
The seeds you plant today will become the crop you harvest tomorrow.
Make it a great… (pick a seed of your vision)
Until next time... Live Vibrantly!
Lynn Tranchell
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