It's All About Action

“If you wait for the perfect moment when all is safe and assured, it may never arrive. Mountains will not be climbed, races won, or lasting happiness achieved.” – Maurice Chevalier


What keeps you from taking action. Sometimes it is so easy to take action. Other times, not so much. A part of me doesn’t like to make phone calls. I feel like people will get mad at me. This is most likely something from my childhood. My mother helped run the family fish business from home. Restaurants called in their orders for the week every Monday. If we answered the phone by mistake, we were yelled at.

Pay attention to your actions. Notice what is coming up for you when you avoid taking action. If you can figure out why, it may help you move forward.

What can you do to move beyond your stuckness and take the action you know will help you move in the direction of your dream. I have many tools. First thing I do is to find something to be grateful for. Gratitude is at the same vibration as abundance. I prime my mind by watching MindPT. You can also remember a time when you successfully completed something similar in the past. This helps create a success mindset.

What are your favorite ways to unstuck yourself. Share some with me.

And anytime you take action, go one or two steps further. You’ll be glad you did!

Need help creating or completing action, sign-up for a Vision Discovery Assessment today! This is a complimentary (valued at $250) conversation with me where we look at where you are, where you would love to be and the next most important step to get you there.


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