
In order to be free, we must learn how to let go… The energy it takes to hang onto the past is holding you back from a new life. What is it you would let go of today?

Mary Morrissey

Many people talk about the Law of Attraction – you attract when you affirm. The Law of Attraction is actually a secondary law. The Law of Vibration is the first law. You cannot attract a new job of a new relationship or whatever you would love and subconsciously harbor feelings of lack or limitation or inadequacy or insecurity. Your frequency or vibration must match what you are hoping to attract.

I remember being asked to do an exercise where you pay attention to your energy level during the day. Notice when you have more energy and notice when you have low energy. Just notice your energy level. Then, see if there is a correlation between what you have been doing/thinking. I encourage you to try this for a week or two. Low energy could be an indication of something you could consider letting go of. Experiment and see what you find.

What will you let go of today to become who you have come here to be.

If you are having trouble deciding what to let go of or want to know how to change your frequency, sign-up for a complementary Vision Discover Assessment –


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