Vibrant Business Blog

Inspiration | Motivation | Action

Your Genius is Calling

By Lynn | Feb 6, 2024 |

Every human being is born with 6 invisible superpowers that are far more powerful than most people could ever imagine. 97% of us use these six superpowers unconsciously, which can cause us to experience a lot of unnecessary scarcity, lack and struggle in our lives. Or, at the very most, we’re able to create only…

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Charting Your Unique Path

By Lynn | Jan 31, 2024 |

When charting your course, following the well-trodden path can often seem like the safest route to success. However, true innovation and breakthroughs come from those daring enough to forge their own trail. Vibrant Business Tip The conventional path to success—mimicking the strategies of successful predecessors—might offer some comfort and short-term gains. Yet, it often caps…

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Success Lies Beyond Your Comfort Zone

By Lynn | Jan 24, 2024 |

Comfort zones are often seen as safe havens, places where familiarity and routine reign. However, the truth is that real growth and success seldom flourish in these confines. The most successful entrepreneurs are those who dare to step beyond their comfort zones, embracing the unknown and the challenging. Comfort zones, while seemingly safe, are often…

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Are You Just Three Feet from Gold?

By Lynn | Jan 17, 2024 |

The line between success and failure is often much thinner than we realize. One of the most common pitfalls that many entrepreneurs face is the habit of giving up just when success is within arm’s reach. This critical moment, where perseverance is key, is perfectly encapsulated in the saying “Three Feet from Gold.” The phrase…

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The World Needs What You Have to Offer

By Lynn | Jan 3, 2024 |

In the everyday life of running a business, it’s easy to get lost in the noise, to feel like just another face in the crowd. When business is slow, this voice may get louder. But here’s a powerful truth that every entrepreneur needs to hear: You are here for a reason. Your business, your vision,…

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Reframing Your Mindset for Success

By Lynn | Dec 26, 2023 |

In the world of entrepreneurship, taking action is often lauded as the key to success. However, an equally critical aspect is the paradigm that underlies and dictates these actions. For every step you take towards your business objectives, there needs to be a corresponding shift in your paradigm. This blog post explores the vital importance…

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The Power of Momentum in the Final Stretch

By Lynn | Dec 20, 2023 |

As we approach the final two weeks of the year, entrepreneurs stand at a critical juncture. This period can be a time of deceleration, winding down as the holidays approach, or it can be a time of strategic acceleration, setting the pace for the year ahead. The choice you make now can significantly influence not…

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“I Used To”: A Powerful Mantra to Overcome Negative Mindsets

By Lynn | Dec 12, 2023 |

For entrepreneurs, the journey is as much about mindset as it is about strategy and execution. The phrase “I used to” can be a game-changer in shifting from self-limiting beliefs to empowering thoughts that align with your entrepreneurial vision. This blog post delves into how this simple phrase can be a key tool in transforming…

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Staying Focused

By Lynn | Dec 5, 2023 |

As the year draws to a close, it’s common for entrepreneurs to feel a sense of winding down, often leading to a plateau in their business activities. This complacency, especially in the last month of the year, can be a subtle trap that hinders the potential for greater success. Let’s explore why staying focused, even…

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Shifting Paradigms

By Lynn | Nov 29, 2023 |

As an entrepreneur, success and failure often hinge on more than just strategies and decisions. They are profoundly influenced by something deeper and more fundamental: our paradigms. Understanding and, if necessary, shifting these paradigms can be the key to unlocking new levels of success in your business. A paradigm is a set of beliefs, values,…

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