10 Ways To Reinvent Your Journey

“Goals aren’t for getting, they’re for growing. It’s who you become in the process.”

Mary Morrissey

I’m really not going to give you 10 ways. I’ll give you a few and you can use your creativity as part of your journey…

Everyday is a journey. It has a beginning, when you wake-up. And an end, when you fall asleep. What you do in between is up to you. You can see it as a fun, never lived before, never to be lived again journey. Or just another day of same old, same old. Take the time to grow and become a journeyman.

Vibrant Living Tip – Everyday this week, put on your vision. Deliberately create a journey for the day. Add fun. Add adventure. Notice new things. Smell new things. Touch things with a new awareness of how it feels. Listen for the sounds that you usually ignore. When you eat, really take the time to taste it. Enjoy the journey. Even if it’s just going to the corner for a carton of milk. See how your senses come alive and how the journey becomes more enjoyable.

#lifelonglearner #vibrantlivingtip #womenaskingnowwhat #readyforachange #feelinglost #reclaimyourvibrancy #journey #grow #become

Live Vibrantly!

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