What Does Expectation Have to Do with Manifestation?

What Does Expectation Have to Do with Manifestation? Everything! Whatever you want to create, you have to expect it to happen. That’s why I say: “BE it until you see it!” All great thought leaders talk about expectation. This is from “The Daily Word” for April 20, 2024… “Unity minister and teacher Eric Butterworth taught…

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Unlock Your Potential with Paradigm Shifts

Are you tired of spinning your wheels, working tirelessly without seeing the results you desire? Do you dream of a business where you can work less, earn more, and actually have fun along the way? If so, it’s time to delve into the transformative world of paradigm shifts. Your success is not just about the…

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Unlock the Secret Ingredient to Entrepreneurial Success

In the dynamic world of business, where the landscape is constantly evolving, success is not solely determined by what you do, but also by how you think. The entrepreneurial mindset—a unique blend of attitudes, habits, and skills—sets apart the most successful entrepreneurs from the rest. An entrepreneurial mindset is a way of thinking that enables…

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Overcome the Mindset Barriers Holding You Back

The entrepreneurial journey is as much a battle of wits against personal demons as it is a crusade for innovation and success. Among these internal adversaries, three syndromes stand out for their cunning ability to derail even the most promising ventures: Imposter Syndrome, “I Know That” Syndrome, and Lone Ranger Syndrome. Read on to discover…

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Embracing Change: The Journey from a Fixed to a Growth Mindset

In the ever-evolving landscape of entrepreneurship, the mindset with which you approach challenges and opportunities can significantly influence your path to success. The transition from a fixed mindset, where abilities are seen as static and unchangeable, to a growth mindset, which embraces challenges as opportunities for development, is pivotal. Vibrant Business Tip The concept of…

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Staying Focused on Your Vision: The Path to Inspired Action

In this bustling world, where distractions abound and challenges loom large, maintaining focus on your vision can sometimes feel like navigating through a storm. Yet, it is this unwavering focus that separates the dreamers from the doers, the successful from the stagnant. This blog post explores the art of staying focused on your vision and…

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Step Into Your Genius

Before we continue with the last three superpowers, I want to summarize when happens with you learn to apply all six. By leaning in and consciously using these six superpowers, you’ll find: Stress, fear, doubt and worry rarely exist for you anymore – Things seem to just magically work out for you, and “perfect timing”…

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Your Genius is Calling

Every human being is born with 6 invisible superpowers that are far more powerful than most people could ever imagine. 97% of us use these six superpowers unconsciously, which can cause us to experience a lot of unnecessary scarcity, lack and struggle in our lives. Or, at the very most, we’re able to create only…

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Charting Your Unique Path

When charting your course, following the well-trodden path can often seem like the safest route to success. However, true innovation and breakthroughs come from those daring enough to forge their own trail. Vibrant Business Tip The conventional path to success—mimicking the strategies of successful predecessors—might offer some comfort and short-term gains. Yet, it often caps…

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Success Lies Beyond Your Comfort Zone

Comfort zones are often seen as safe havens, places where familiarity and routine reign. However, the truth is that real growth and success seldom flourish in these confines. The most successful entrepreneurs are those who dare to step beyond their comfort zones, embracing the unknown and the challenging. Comfort zones, while seemingly safe, are often…

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