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You were born to be rich, abundant, and successful.

Hero's Journey Called My Business.

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As you look at your business, you will most likely see that you are on a hero’s journey. According to Joseph Campbell, who wrote The Hero with a Thousand Faces, the three major phases in a hero’s journey are the departure, the initiation, and the return.

  • You feel as though you have been called to start your business. It could have been nudge or spark that started over time. Or it could have been a setback or something unexpected that caused you to shift directions.
  • Your initiation starts with what is called the road of trials. You go through challenging times as your business takes shape.
  • What can be called a return is a stable place in your business. You've gained more personal power, developed greater abilities, and received higher wisdom.

If you find yourself in any of these phases, Hero's Journey Called My Business is for you.

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